Sunday, January 3, 2010

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree

So today is January 3rd, 2010 and my Christmas tree is still up AND the lights are aglow. You might think that I am crazy, but it is very significant as in years past (pretty much ever since Ryan was diagnosed with cancer in 1997) I usually took my decorations down on Christmas day and was very happy to be finished with them until the next year. Well, this year has been quite different. Christmas is much quieter here in England and was very quiet in France where we were for Christmas day. The radio didn't play Christmas music non-stop, only an occasional song here and there. In fact in France on Christmas Eve when they were have their "Welcome Father Christmas" celebration they didn't even play Christmas music. It was so very different not having "all over the place". I came to realize that I have let much of my sadness since Ryan passed away control how much I enjoy certain things about Christmas. I LOVE the Christmas songs, of course certain ones speak to me more than others, but they really uplifted my spirit this year. I also LOVE the lights on the tree. It is so fun to see a tree sparkling with lights. They brightened my spirit this year. I certainly missed having plates of goodies delivered to my house this year, but the less calories "lightened my load" this year. So I guess there is one good thing about being in England so far away from all that I know and love. I have come to find peace and happiness again in the Christmas season. Thank you to all who sent cards and packages and wishes for a Christmas season. We loved them all.
P.S. I couldn't figure out how to put the picture of our tree in the bottom of this post. Still learning much. Jordan wanted me to make sure everyone knew that our tree was NOT small but that he was TAll!!!!

Monday, December 14, 2009

The Story of the Candy Cane. Today I was getting some things ready for my seminary Christmas lesson on Thursday. We are playing an unstuff the stocking game with candy canes and scripture mastery clues. I was a bit worried as normal things are hard to find here. I hadn't really noticed candy canes in the stores.

I called one store and the person on the phone said, "yep we have them in boxes of 12, lots of them", whew, I was so glad. Went down to the store, looked all over, no candy canes. I even asked the clerk, I had to explain to the clerk what a candy cane was. Interesting.

So I walked up to the grocery store, no candy canes either. At the check out I asked the lady if she knew where I could find some candy canes. She replied, "we have them here." She turned to the lady next to her and said, "where do we keep the candy canes, you know the candy's that you hang on your tree." My initial thought was, "you know you are in England when a candy cane is known as a christmas ornament and not something to be gobbled up for tasty enjoyment." I was thrilled to have my canes so I left the store with a happy heart and thoughts zooming all around my head.~~~
"Wow, candy canes are for hanging on trees," ~~~ "Jordan just likes to eat them," ~~~"Wonder how we could rewrite the meaning of the candy cane on those christmas lists that gives meaning to the symbols of the season," ~~~"Only in England," ~~~"Thank you Shepherds for abiding in the fields, watching over the flocks,"~~~ "Thank you Shepherd for helping me survive this adjustment to living in England."
I don't think a candy can will ever mean the same thing to me as just a simple delicious, peppermint treat.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Test of the post system

This post is a test, a test of the post posting system. A test to see whom is smarter, this blogspot system or my brain that has much cobwebs in it for various reasons. My friend Brandi assures me that it is easy, that I can handle it, but the voice inside my heads says, "Foof (that's what Brandi's family calls me), you are a bit stupid and completely computer illiterate, what makes you think you can handle this blog stuff?" So this is a test in more than just, can I figure out how to post, this is a test also as to can I figure out how to shut off that voice in my head that tells me I can't do a LOT of things. One that seems to control how successful I am exercising, eating healthy, teaching, loving or just being enough. I must admit that I am nervous, afraid to fail, to give in to the voice that talks so loud, but it is time, time to find that strong part of me again, find the part of me that does not have time for that voice and find that part of me that can just move with the flow of~~ Life is good, do what you like, like what you do!